Date:  January 25, 2012





The meeting was opened with Brenda Clark leading the Pledge of Allegiance.



Brenda Clark, George Hockstadter, Charles Leighton, and Terry White were present.  (Don Carroll was absent)




                        1.         Approve January 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes

                        Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve the January 11, 2012 Meeting minutes with Diane explaining that the underlined public comment of Carolyn Merrill should have been the NAME ONLY.  Diane apologized for the mistake.


            C. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS 



            D.  WARRANT

                        1.  Payroll Warrant #8 (Advantage Payroll)

            Upon  motion by Charles Leighton, seconded by George Hockstadter, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Payroll Warrant #8.


2.    Expenditures #32  &  #33 (Newsletter and stamps)

Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Expenditure Warrant #32.


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Charles Leighton, it was voted 4 to 0 to approve Expenditure Warrant #33.


            Consensus of the Board was to transfer $52,000 from the Undesignated Account to the Checking Account.


            E. BOARD OF ASSESSORS       

            Don had spoken to Danielle again about Mr. Stubbs abatement and Mr. Stubbs only alternative at this point is to take the denial to the Penobscot County Commissioners.



            Charles Leighton questioned if Don Carroll had spoken to Pioneer Products about the Fire Department Check dealing with salt.

            George Hockstadter questioned if Newport had given a decision on covering part of the expense of the Turn-a-round repairs.



1.            Fire Station Repair Update

Don got 3 estimates for repair of the Fire Station:

Bowlin Brothers of Newport:                  $650.00

Grass Construction of Plymouth           (has not returned estimate)

Joe Brasslett of Stetson                           Mr. Brasslett has offered to repair the fire station for the cost of materials.  He will donate any and all labor.  

Therefore we are hoping the repairs to the building will be not more then $1,000 tops.

            Leighton’s Machine Shop has provided an estimate on the repair costs to the Fire truck.  That estimate is for repair of the truck ladder, hose brackets, etc. is $600.00.

Diane reported that the Town has already received a check from MMA insurance in the amount of $2023.98


Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Brenda Clark, it was voted 3 to 0 to have Mr. Brasslett repair the Fire Station Building, and Leighton’s Machine shop to repair the Fire Truck.  (Charles Leighton abstained from the vote.)


2.            Potential 3 Year Contracts passed out for review.

Diane passed out copies as reviewed thus far, and the Board will complete the review at the first meeting in February so that we can put these contracts out to bid.



            A.  ANIMAL CONTROL       Nothing.                   

            B.  APPEALS BOARD        Nothing.

            C.  CEMETERY                     Nothing.

            D.  CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER               Nothing.

            E.  E911          Nothing.

            F.  EDUCATION       Nothing.

            G. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE     Nothing.       

            H. EMT/RESCUE    Nothing.

I.   FIRE DEPARTMENT      Nothing.

            J.  MEETINGHOUSE           Nothing.

K. PARKS & RECREATION           Nothing.

L.  PLANNING BOARD        Nothing.

            M. PLUMBING INSPECTOR          Nothing.

N. RECYCLING & SOLID WASTE COLLECTION         Nothing.                   

            O. ROAD COMMISSIONER           Mr. Barriault was present and expressed his concerns about doing some ditching in the Spring because the water is setting on the roads.  He also apologized for the rutty conditions of the roads, but at this time not much can be done about it.  Mr. Barriault will look into the DOT signs for the posting of the roads.  Brenda Clark requested another “School Bus Warning” sign be put in place at the foot of the hill on Lapoint Road headed towards Levant.  Charles Leighton addressed a large hole on the Mt. Pleasant Road that needed Mr. Barriault’s  attention,  and Brenda Clark also noted a hole on the Coboro Road.  Charles Leighton also noted the need to resurface the Merrill Road, there are wheel tracks and “we need to resurface to hold what we have”.

P.  STATE LEGISLATIVE CORRESP      Nothing.       

            Q. TREASURER       Nothing.

R.   WELFARE DIRECTOR                        Nothing.       

            S.  OTHER                News Letters are in the mail.


V.           TRAINING            



VI.          PUBLIC COMMENTS              None.



Charles Leighton noted the Fire Department Grant listed in the Maine Townsman.


VIII.       EXECUTIVE SESSION                        None.



Upon motion by George Hockstadter, seconded by Terry White, it was voted 4 to 0 to adjourn the meeting at  6:50 p.m.



__________________________________Donald Carroll


__________________________________Brenda Clark


__________________________________George Hockstadter


__________________________________Charles Leighton


__________________________________Terry White


Minutes recorded by Diane Lacadie